To help you memorize the Korean alphabet I’ve created these simple to use Hangul flash cards. Simply download the pdf files, print them on card stock or some kind of other thicker paper, cut them out and start memorizing!
There are two pages of flash cards and four files, page 1 front and back and page 2 front and back. They’re designed to print on both sides of the paper. You might have to play around with your printer and test print a couple of times until you get the cards lined up correctly on your specific printer.
Page 1 Front
Contains all the Hangul consonants plus 1 vowel
Page 1 Back
The English answers for the Hangul consonants and 1 vowel.
Page 2 Front
This page contains the rest of the Hangul vowels
Page 2 Back
Contains the English answers for the rest of the Hangul vowels